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Foundry Presets 02: RC-20

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Preset Pack for RC-20.

You use it more than you’d like to admit and you think it’s overused but you keep using it yourself. Why is that you ask? Because it’s literally one of the best plugins that has ever been created! Hyped plugins come and go, but RC-20 is here to stay. That’s why we have created our own preset bank with 30 presets for this legendary plugin. Easy to load and ready to use.

If you want to squeeze all the vintage juice out of your RC-20 plugin, these presets are exactly what you'll need.

Go get these if you want to slap some vintage goodness on your tracks or whole mixes. From broken 50s records, worn out 60s tape and beaten down 70s cassettes to the iconic sound of digital samplers from the 80s and 90s. It’s all in there. And it’s all sound designed by Al Hug.

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Foundry Presets 02: RC-20

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Lorem Ipsum

Preset Pack for RC-20.

You use it more than you’d like to admit and you think it’s overused but you keep using it yourself. Why is that you ask? Because it’s literally one of the best plugins that has ever been created! Hyped plugins come and go, but RC-20 is here to stay. That’s why we have created our own preset bank with 30 presets for this legendary plugin. Easy to load and ready to use.

If you want to squeeze all the vintage juice out of your RC-20 plugin, these presets are exactly what you'll need.

Go get these if you want to slap some vintage goodness on your tracks or whole mixes. From broken 50s records, worn out 60s tape and beaten down 70s cassettes to the iconic sound of digital samplers from the 80s and 90s. It’s all in there. And it’s all sound designed by Al Hug.

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