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Guitars – Chapter 1: Esperandote

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Lorem Ipsum

The Esperandote guitar pack is the first chapter of our guitar pack series, brought to you by Al Hug and Faison.

Plenty of sauce for you to play with. The sounds featured in this pack were recorded with vintage ribbon mics, analog preamps, a 1/4" tape deck, a cassette deck, spring reverb, and analog delay.

This pack captures the beauty and warmth of vintage acoustic guitars like no others do.

All chords and shots were created using a beautiful '59 vintage acoustic nylon string guitar. A variety of different Italian, Spanish and German vintage acoustic guitars from the 50s and 60s were used for the guitar and sample loops.

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Licensing Info

All One-Shots and Chords are ROYALTY-FREE. Melodic loops are subject to our Master Clearance Agreement and therefore clearance is only required for Major Releases. No clearance needed for Minor Releases. No clearing hassle at all!

Who Made It

Guitars – Chapter 1: Esperandote

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Lorem Ipsum

The Esperandote guitar pack is the first chapter of our guitar pack series, brought to you by Al Hug and Faison.

Plenty of sauce for you to play with. The sounds featured in this pack were recorded with vintage ribbon mics, analog preamps, a 1/4" tape deck, a cassette deck, spring reverb, and analog delay.

This pack captures the beauty and warmth of vintage acoustic guitars like no others do.

All chords and shots were created using a beautiful '59 vintage acoustic nylon string guitar. A variety of different Italian, Spanish and German vintage acoustic guitars from the 50s and 60s were used for the guitar and sample loops.

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Licensing Info

All One-Shots and Chords are ROYALTY-FREE. Melodic loops are subject to our Master Clearance Agreement and therefore clearance is only required for Major Releases. No clearance needed for Minor Releases. No clearing hassle at all!

Who Made It