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Mellotron Expansion Pack Bundle 01-03

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Inspired by the iconic Mellotron and Chamberlin sounds from the 60s, the Minta Foundry Mellotron Expansion Pack Bundle covers all your Vintage and LoFi needs.

All sounds in this bundle pack are 100% original and were recorded using a variety of vintage microphones, preamps, and instruments like organ, flute, piano, bass, synth, bells, and many more.

Why get every individual Mellotron pack if you can have all the Lofi gold in one single package?

✱ Compatible with Analog Lab 5 & Mellotron V

For this Mellotron Expansion Pack series, Al Hug partnered up with Ella Feingold, guitarist and orchestrator for Silk Sonic (Bruno Mars & Anderson Paak), Prince, The Roots, Jay-Z, and many more.


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Mellotron Expansion Pack Bundle 01-03

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Inspired by the iconic Mellotron and Chamberlin sounds from the 60s, the Minta Foundry Mellotron Expansion Pack Bundle covers all your Vintage and LoFi needs.

All sounds in this bundle pack are 100% original and were recorded using a variety of vintage microphones, preamps, and instruments like organ, flute, piano, bass, synth, bells, and many more.

Why get every individual Mellotron pack if you can have all the Lofi gold in one single package?

✱ Compatible with Analog Lab 5 & Mellotron V

For this Mellotron Expansion Pack series, Al Hug partnered up with Ella Feingold, guitarist and orchestrator for Silk Sonic (Bruno Mars & Anderson Paak), Prince, The Roots, Jay-Z, and many more.


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