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Lorem Ipsum

Minta Foundry's very own drum break pack series "POW! Breaks". Every break in this pack comes in three different versions: a full break, a drums only break, and a percussions only break. Recorded by super-drummer A.J. Hall and processed by sound-design aficionado Al Hug, these drums are as grimey as they get.

In a world where supervillains exist, Dr. A.J. HALL and Professor AL HUG, two independent scientists, meet in a lab with a plan to fight evil. Together they develop the POW! BREAKS, a drums and percussion mixture, so powerful, it can fight evil. At this point, the two scientist are unsure how they managed to create the super-heroic energy that radiates from these breaks. It must be the fact, that the world has never before heard kicks and snares this grimy and crunchy. Other Scientists have laughed at their methods, but there is no time to find scientific proof for their work, true evil needs to be stopped. Now!

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Licensing Info

All One-Shots are ROYALTY-FREE. Drum Breaks and Loops are subject to our Master Clearance Agreement and therefore clearance is only required for Major Releases. No clearance needed for Minor Releases. No clearing hassle at all!

Who Made It


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Lorem Ipsum

Minta Foundry's very own drum break pack series "POW! Breaks". Every break in this pack comes in three different versions: a full break, a drums only break, and a percussions only break. Recorded by super-drummer A.J. Hall and processed by sound-design aficionado Al Hug, these drums are as grimey as they get.

In a world where supervillains exist, Dr. A.J. HALL and Professor AL HUG, two independent scientists, meet in a lab with a plan to fight evil. Together they develop the POW! BREAKS, a drums and percussion mixture, so powerful, it can fight evil. At this point, the two scientist are unsure how they managed to create the super-heroic energy that radiates from these breaks. It must be the fact, that the world has never before heard kicks and snares this grimy and crunchy. Other Scientists have laughed at their methods, but there is no time to find scientific proof for their work, true evil needs to be stopped. Now!

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Licensing Info

All One-Shots are ROYALTY-FREE. Drum Breaks and Loops are subject to our Master Clearance Agreement and therefore clearance is only required for Major Releases. No clearance needed for Minor Releases. No clearing hassle at all!

Who Made It